

Your Safe Space

Our Community ✨



Racial Empowerment

A safe space for emotional empowerment and inclusion ✨

We focus on uplifting teens to young adults (12-25) managing emotional health. Join our inclusive community to access resources that help you on your journey! You’ll also be able to get support from our mental health partners and programs.

Beta platform services

Care & Inclusion 💙

We work directly with you to find a therapist based on your preferences!

For Providers 👩🏽‍💼

Process Automation
Streamline administrative workflows and automate intake tasks, so you can save time and labor!
Clinical Resources
Connect with our directory of experienced BIPOC clinicians to receive courses, certifications, and continuing education credits.
Let our unique algorithm match you to patients that fit your need, specialization, and insurance credentials.

For Patients 🙌🏾

Find a community of likeminded individuals who encourage you every step of the way
Connect with our resource directory of local and online mental health professionals
High Value Care
We dedicated to increasing accessibility to mental health and actively combatting stigma

Online Learning

Our emotional growth tracks flow at your pace. We help you create a personalized self care plan by focusing on emotional health needs and goals for personal growth. 

Peer Support

Do you need to be heard and understood? Through our social cycle of positivity, each girl receives and gives encouragement. We lead with empathy to create meaningful connections.

Resource Directory

 Searching for a deeper, and supportive community? Browse our resource directory of local and online mental health professionals and emotional support programs. 

Find Support

Connect with culturally competent providers and practitioners

Clinical Resources

Providers can monetize their clinical insights for therapists who are seeking to build their skills

Multilingual Support

Providers can translate intake documents to save on time and labor


Our platform enables patient to therapist communication to strengthen trust and build a 1:1 relationship

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